What is the benefit of providing your employees with Disability Insurance?

Offering disability insurance will help your organization retain and recruit top talent. Employees are seeking income protection for their families while on assignment in high-risk areas of the world. 

What does Group Disability Insurance do for your employees?

If an employee were to become disabled while working for your organization under your group disability plan, your employee could receive up to 60% of their income. This would allow your employee to have a recurring income source to cover personal expenses if they were to become partially or permanently disabled. 

What does your business gain from working with Tuman Global Solutions on obtaining Group Disability Insurance?

As a global insurance provider, Tuman Global Solutions can design and customize Group Disability Insurance plans that will help your organization procure top talent from around the world. Reasons to partner with us:

  • Customized and flexible plans based on your organization's needs
  • Lower premiums for your business
  • Coordination of insurance policies such as DBA Workers Compensation
  • Coverage available in high-risk countries
  • War & Terrorism coverage