DBA Insurance (Defense Base Act Insurance) is a type of insurance product designed to protect civilian employees while working in foreign countries supporting the United States military. DBA Insurance is a form of workers’ compensation insurance that provides coverage to all employees regardless of nationality.

Why do you need DBA Insurance Coverage?

DBA Insurance is a requirement of the Defense Base Act, a federal law requiring all federal contractors that have employees working on a military base outside the United States to provide workers’ compensation insurance. Contractors are required to ensure that their employees are protected if a compensable injury were to occur.

Who does DBA Insurance apply to?

The Defense Base Act requires that federal contract employees be covered by an organization’s DBA Insurance regardless of nationality. Below are four examples of who needs to be covered under your DBA Insurance policy:

  1. Companies that employ private contractors on military bases and properties outside of the United States, e.g., if your company employees a truck driver on a military base in a foreign country, your organization must have DBA Insurance coverage.
  2. Businesses employing public work contractors for federal agencies overseas. If your company is a construction company and you are contracted to build an embassy in Nigeria, your workers must have DBA Insurance.
  3. Organizations working under the Foreign Assistance Act and provides goods and services to our military allies outside the United States. Your company is hired to build a new water treatment center and employs Iraqi citizens as laborers on your project. They must be covered under your DBA Insurance. 
  4. Organizations providing welfare or community services on behalf of the federal government, e.g., your organization provides medical care to a local community in eastern Europe, the employees providing the medical care must be covered under your DBA Insurance. 

What does DBA Insurance cover?

DBA Insurance provides coverage for medical expenses if a worker was injured while performing a service contracted by the federal government. It also can provide benefits for federally contracted workers if they were to become disabled or killed.

How do you obtain DBA Insurance?

Tuman Global Solutions can secure this coverage from a federally approved insurance provider. If you are interested in obtaining DBA Insurance, please fill out the contact form. We will contact you directly to inform you about your options for coverage and pricing.

Is there a penalty for noncompliance with the Defense Base Act?

Contractors of the U.S. government should be aware that not complying with the Defense Base Act can be subject to severe penalties such as fines, legal action, and disbarment. 

Why choose Tuman Global Solutions?

Tuman Global Solutions will thoroughly review the mandatory insurance requirements in your overseas contract. We will then make recommendations to fulfill these requirements in a cost-effective manner. For highly compensated employees, the DBA Workers’ Compensation weekly benefit can be significantly below their regular wages. Tuman Global Solutions has access to programs to supplement this difference to ensure your key employees and their families are well protected. 


Your company is working on a critical infrastructure project in a region of a country known for its hostilities towards development. While at dinner with a government official discussing the project progress, a satchel left by a terrorist exploded near the entrance, injuring several people, including your employees. DBA workers’ compensation coverage would respond for all related medical expenses, emergency evacuation, temporary total disability payments, and permanent disability benefits.