Foreign Group Health is a form of comprehensive healthcare coverage for your employees working overseas. These employees are vital to your organization and need to be protected while performing services internationally on your organization's behalf.

A summary of the comprehensive benefits we can offer include:

  • Annual coverage limits of $1m
  • Mental Illness
  • In-patient and out-patient services
  • Annual Wellness Exams for the entire family
  • Coverage for pre-existing conditions
  • Prescriptions
  • Alcohol and substance abuse coverage
  • Passive war, terrorism, strikes, and riots coverage
  • Emergency medical transportation and evacuation
  • Maternity and paternity coverage for employees and their spouses
  • Vision coverage option
  • Dental coverage option
Case Study

While traveling between job sites, another vehicle coming in the opposite direction crosses into your lane of traffic, causing a terrible accident. Fortunately, another work vehicle was following behind and immediately called for assistance. The emergency responders arrive to take you to the nearest hospital. While there, it becomes quickly evident that the hospital doesn’t have the capabilities to care for your serious injuries. A co-worker calls the insurance provider who arranges an airlift evacuation to a medically capable facility.